Get rid of bites and itching, drooling and bites, and enjoy restful nights, without mosquitoes around!
For those who wake up with itching and bites, for those who never hit with a fly swatter or for whom the buzzing of a mosquito is authentic Chinese torture,
Insect Killer gives you a little help!
Silence the buzzing and put an end to biting and stinging!
Insect Killer Anti-mosquito attracts insects through a blue fluorescent lamp and pulls them directly to the electrical grid through its suction system.
Ready to use, this anti-mosquito ally works safely, economically and silently when connected to a socket.
It gives you the freedom to live more in your home, without having to worry about these small, inconvenient intruders.
Without sprays, without contortionist gymnastics and without the need to open doors or windows, Insect Killer is automatic, autonomous and created with your well-being and that of all the "famelga" in the house in mind!