The Viscoelastic Mattress has the particularity of being made of a material that is sensitive to body temperature and adapts to each person's weight, so that there is no pressure on blood vessels or circulation, thus relieving neck problems, headaches, stress and migraines.
Mattress with built-in electronic safe, to be used as an alternative to banks, which are losing more and more credibility.
Main features:
Viscoelastic mattresses owe their name to the material that is perhaps the greatest technological advance in terms of materials used in mattresses.
This is because it uses materials developed by aerospace research to relieve pressure on astronauts at the moment of take-off.
It is considered an intelligent material because it moulds to the body better than any other, relieving the body's main pressure points (shoulders and pelvis) more effectively .
Optimum rigidity
They ensure the ideal level of rigidity better than any other type of material, allowing you to rest with the correct posture of the body and spine.
Hypoallergenic material
Viscoelastic material is considered hypoallergenic because it offers the least risk of causing skin allergies.
This is because this material is not conducive to the creation of moisture, dust infiltration or the colonization of mites.
An essential advantage for those who suffer from respiratory problems or are more prone to skin allergies .
Mattresses are generally considered to be very comfortable.
This is due to the characteristics of the materials that mould to the body but also because they are not noisy and there is no vibration effect since they absorb movement by creating independent areas in the same mattress (something very important for couples where one of the partners is more restless in their sleep).
Something that spring mattresses, for example, are not as effective at ensuring.
Viscoelastic mattresses have a longer average lifespan than other types of mattress and don't need to be cleaned as often or turned occasionally.
Transporting this type of mattress is much easier as you can easily fold the mattress without affecting its structure.
This is due to the memory property of the viscoelastic material.
In addition, some manufacturers significantly reduce the area of the mattress by vacuum-packing it, leaving it only the size of a golf bag and therefore much easier to transport to the building or between rooms .
3D Viscoelastic mattress
Padded Strech mesh lining Aloe Vera treatment
Plumanta in the fabric for better comfort
3D strip
Top - High Density Viscoelastic (2cm)
Bottom -
High Density Polyurethane 28Kgs/m3
100% ventilated
Anti-dust mite
Made from a material that is sensitive to body temperature and adapts to each person's weight
This sofa is the ideal solution for being comfortable during the day and for your guests to sleep at home at night, as the sofa opens up to become a bed.